Ocean Industries Concept Lab published preliminary research on ROC design

🎯 The Ocean Industries Concept Lab (OICL), a part of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) in Norway and developer of the OpenBridge design system, has published preliminary research on the design of user interfaces for remote operation centers (ROCs) for maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). The research, conducted by Natacha Dankrathok as part of her master’s project, was carried out on behalf of the OICL and applies the OpenBridge system to the design of ROCs. Report can be downloaded at The Ocean Industries Concept Lab (OICL) Linkedin account.
This work is part of OICL’s preparations for the OpenRemote project, which will extend the OpenBridge system into ROCs. The master’s project, called “OpenRemote Beta,” is part of a larger effort to develop new design standards for ROCs. The report provides a solid view on the development of ROC operators’ interfaces and an overview of many other related topics, making it a must-read document for those involved in MASS.
🎤 According to OICL Professor Kjetil Nordby, “Natacha’s work opens the door to the design of ROCs and expands our understanding of the ROC design space in preparation for our future OpenRemote project. It is very important to build a library of design precedents for our research, and this is an excellent example.”
🎤 Natacha Dankrathok commented: “It was an outstanding experience working with Ocean Industries Concept Lab. Using OpenRemote as a first step let me explore such a complex yet fun challenges where I through out the projects, I had many great discussion with the experts in the lab that help me shape the result which could be use as a discussion point for the industries. I hope that this way I help nudge the development of the autonomous system forward”.
The OpenRemote project is set to begin in June 2023 and will last for four years. It is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and has 21 partners, including VARD, Kongsberg, Norwegian Maritime Authority, Kystverket, SINTEF Ocean, NTNU, Marine Technologies, Maritime Robotics, Lloyds Register, DNV, Fugro, Brunvoll and others. The project will extend the OpenBridge Design Guideline with an ROC appendix focusing on workplace design, human-automation interaction, remote presence, and distributed situational awareness. The report can be downloaded from this link.
📃📷 Source: Ocean Industries Concept Lab, Kjetil Nordby, Natacha Dankrathok
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